More about Dr Hilary Lindsay
In 2016-17 I was President of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW); the first academic and second woman to hold that position in ICAEW's 137 year history. I was also chair of the CCAB, the combined group of the main UK accountancy bodies. In 2011-12 I had been President of AAT (the Association of Accounting Technicians).
I'm an award-winning lecturer in finance and management for the Open University Business School and a researcher and supervisor on the OU Doctorate in Education programme. Students and others will attest that I have considerable communication and facilitation skills. Earlier in my career I received the Junior Chamber International Award for the most outstanding member in the world.
I recently completed a nine year term as a trustee of CABA and for over ten years have been on the boards of housing associations. I live in Northampton with my husband Colin. We have both been involved with Northampton Samaritans for over twenty years. Other joint interests include walking, our allotment and our livery companies. I have previously run several marathons to raise funds for Northampton Samaritans and we both recently completed Wainwright's 200 mile Coast to Coast walk across the north of England.
Hilary Lindsay EdD MBA FCA